Opening of the 2015-2016 Hunting Season. To all followers of Diana a big good luck and the commitment of the Confederation of hunters Toscani, to which Federcaccia, Arci Caccia and Anuu adhere.
The CCT Associations are committed to spending this new hunting year to achieve concrete results on the ground of unity in the hunting world and, above all, on that of management, the key to making our passion more rewarding but also an indispensable tool to ensure the maintaining the balance of fauna in the area.
A theme that has held ground in recent times and that has brought the role and fundamental function of hunters back to the fore. Back to hunting with a hunting calendar which, taking up the requests of the CCT, confirmed and improved in some parts that of last year, making the best use of the spaces and rules contained in the regulations in force as regards species and hunting times.
This is also a year of transition, with the new governance rules adopted for the bodies appointed to give management legs; the hope is that the process started will be perfected everywhere, with the establishment of Management Committees also in the ATCs that have not yet done so.
Finally, an appeal to respect the elementary rules for the security to ensure that nothing disturbs the opening party.
Confederation of Tuscan Hunters
(Federcaccia - Arcicaccia - ANUU)
(September 19, 2015)