In recent years, a bizarre and paradoxical phenomenon has been observed in the world of hunting: there are fewer and fewer "rifles", But more and more crowded. Our old ones are not replaced by as many new recruits and many hunters have turned, for pleasure or necessity, towards the wild boar hunting in joke. The cyclopean human agglomerations that are condensed around the black beast, can exceed one hundred units, especially in the "jokes-events" of some wildlife-hunting companies. The word SAFETY bounces from mouth to mouth from the megaphone of every self-respecting hunting leader right down to the last post. Safety in the firing trajectory, in the handling of weapons, in the safeguarding of auxiliaries and, last but not least, in high visibility.
The dark green garments that have always made the hunter feel perfectly integrated into the palette of nature, are increasingly interrupted, scarred, modernized, by flashes of fluorescent orange. At first it was the jackets, then more and more accessories, from the hat to the scarf. Now it is difficult to find a garment on the market that is not visible through the fronds and leaves, if only for a zipper or an insert. The market has understood what the hunting world is trying to assimilate, overcoming the aversion to certain materials and colors that are not very “wild”.
Who hasn't happened to see with amazement a post office one kilometer away, thanks to his orange jacket that brought to our consciousness the existence of a person in flesh and blood where our eye could never, ever see him? And what catastrophic consequences were averted when, with the finger already on the trigger, we were dazzled by the orange on the dog or its handler, where did we rather expect the long-awaited boar?
Let's face it: high visibility technology for some may not be “aesthetic” but it is definitely functional and sustainable. In this regard, not only clothing and luggage but also the guns themselves are proposed by the gun industry with entirely orange polymer stocks or with fluorescent inserts on the stock and fore-end that guarantee total visibility. The first examples did not meet my personal taste: I, a lover of wood, a detractor of the so-called "plasticoni", so anonymous, standardized, without soul or poetry ... later I repented.
The gun industry does not only offer us high visibility. Today he comes to meet us by offering us weaponry increasingly reliable and distraction-proof: an example is the "Hand Cocking manual cocking lever", which allows with a simple gesture of the thumb to disarm the hammer springs making the weapon practically unloaded (and not only with the trigger locked) in the movements in the bush, in the changes of position and in all those circumstances in which the rifle must be 100% harmless. The "safety" revolution has not spared even the precious auxiliaries: high visibility anti-tusk clothing protects them from the sharp defenses of wild boars and from dangerous oversights in the thick of the scrub. Also in this case the orange inserts are not just an accessory but a form of consistency on the articulated safety issue. Here we go again, the password a hunting it cannot be another. Everything else (passion, fun, friendship) comes a tad bit later. The game bag is never empty when we bring health and life home!