On the pre-opening day of the Hunting Season 2013-2014 held last Sunday 1 September, the men of the fish-hunting group of the Provincial Police of Cosenza intensified the checks aimed at contrasting the phenomenon of poaching and to ascertain, possibly by sanctioning, both administrative violations than penalties in the context of hunting. From the first light of dawn the Provincial Police took to the field to check the numerous hunters who populated the fields and woods of the provincial territory of Cosenza hunting for wildlife for which the Hunting Calendar admits hunting on the pre-opening day.
Precisely during the activity of controlling the territory, the men of the Provincial Police surprised, along the banks of the Crati river, on the border between the municipalities of Rose and Montalto Uffugo, two people who were putting their rifles and a voluminous plastic bag inside which 14 specimens of wild pigeon (Columba Livia) were found, killed shortly before. Considering that this species of birds is not among those considered huntable by Law 157/1992, the two men residing in San Pietro in Guarano, were denounced on the loose by the Provincial Police agents while their rifles, their ammunition and the shot down were seized. Also in the area of Corigliano Calabro, in the Thurio area, the Provincial Police surprised a man, coming from Afragola (NA), in possession of 21 culled specimens of aquatic birds belonging to the species Teal and Shoveler, still considered not huntable from 2013-2014 Hunting Calendar of the Calabria Region; the period in which hunting for these species is allowed in fact runs from 15 September 2013 to 30 January 2014. It was enough to be patient and wait two weeks. In addition, the man was found in possession of an electromagnetic device reproducing the song of downed water birds used as an acoustic call during hunting. Considering the violations of the hunting regulations, also in this case the agents of the Provincial Police proceeded to denounce the man and to seize both the rifle with its ammunition and the illegal acoustic call and the killed heads.
4 September 2013