Mr Barbara Mazzali, Lombardy regional councilor, released this note on social media: "I want to dedicate this news to those who think that animal rights activists are all good people, who love their neighbor and who want to live in peace with the world. Here's what happened in these days the escort was assigned to the president of Autonomous Province of Trento Maurizio Fugatti.
This was announced by the government commissioner, Sandro Lombardi, specifying that the measure was taken in relation to the escalation of insults, threats and attacks deemed heavy and worrying due to the problems inherent in the management of large carnivores, and also publicly expressed in the latest animal rights demonstration. Some animal rights activists were therefore deemed so dangerous, that they had to protect a member of the institutions who had come into their sights.
These are the subjects who then criticize us hunters. They are the ones who say they love the world and want to improve it. They are the ones we should learn to live from. They are the ones willing to dialogue. Here they are, in all their violence and danger. Aggressive and out of control. This is the reality that people don't want to see ”.