The funds allocated by the Region
In order to counter the spread of African swine fever and at the same time promote correct management of the animals taken (in compliance with the provisions contained in DGR 823/2016 and in Regulations (EC) 852/2004, 853/2004 and 854/2004), DGR n. 348 of 30 June 2022 ordered the allocation of 450.000,00 euros of the resources of the Pact for the South (MASTERPLAN) FSC 2014-2020 to the intervention "Containment of wild fauna and support for the wild boar supply chain".
Parking and collection centres
The public notice approved with Resolution DPD023/328 of 20.09.2023 provides for the provision of contributions for the creation of game meat rest and collection centers. The beneficiaries of the contributions can only be the territorial hunting areas of the Abruzzo Region.
Dates and deadlines
The application must be sent exclusively through the specific IT platform Abruzzo Region Help Desk. Access to the platform is permitted exclusively via SPID (Public Digital Identity System). The loading platform will be available from 10 October 2023 until midnight on 24 November 00. Applications received via other methods will not be examined (source: Abruzzo Region).