Since 2019, with the advent of the new Presidency, the Italian Federation of Hunting has established a recognition to be assigned each year to those members who have distinguished themselves for particular merits achieved in particular gestures or for their own commitment to wildlife-hunting, environmental, ethical or social matters that have brought positive consideration in society to the Federation and to the figure of the hunter. The honor of "Hunter of the Year" was assigned for 2021 to managers and all volunteers who have lent their time, professionalism and commitment in the various activities in the field essential to the positive progress of the actions envisaged by the Life Perdix Project for the reintroduction of the Italian Gray Partridge in the wild, currently in progress in the Mezzano area.
The provincial president of the section received the award on their behalf FIdC of Ferrara, Giancarlo Andreghetti. The LIFE Perdix Project, the first LIFE promoted by a hunting association in our country, aims at recovery and conservation of the Italian Gray Partridge (Perdix perdix italica), declared extinct in the wild. The main actions of the project are genetic analysis, captive breeding and the reintroduction of viable populations within the Natura 2000 site Valle del Mezzano, SPA in the Po Delta and requires for its success strong involvement of local citizens and of the various stakeholders in the process of conservation, monitoring and implementation of environmental improvement interventions.
In addition to the Italian Federation of Hunting, they are involved in the project ISPRA - Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research; Command of forestry, environmental and agri-food units of the Carabinieri; Fédération Nationale des Chasseurs (National Federation of French Hunters); Legambiente; Management Body for Parks and Biodiversity - Po Delta; ENCI - National body of Italian dog lovers. During the Assembly, some managers were then awarded for the results reported in the institutional tasks of the Federation.
They thus received the honor of "President of the year" the Marche Region Paolo Antognoni, the Provincial President of the BAT section - Barletta Adria Trani Rossano Daleno for the percentage results, while for those in absolute terms, the Provincial President of Cagliari Ignazio Artizzu was awarded, which also withdrew the recognition for the municipal section of Cagliari.