Elisa is now the victim of a complaint made by the "Political movement now respect for all animals" which asks the Police Headquarters: "... to send us a copy of the issue of the PORT LICENSE FOR HUNTING GUN, of Mrs. ELISA PERRONE AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATE THEM IN PREVENTIVE MEANS, THIS AUTHORIZATION AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE SEQUEST OF THE WEAPON DETAILED BY HER, for psycho-emotional and cognitive immaturity, accentuated and exhibited in its exposure in social networks, where it transmits a highly detrimental message and offensive to signatory users. Likewise, at the same time, the POLITICAL MOVEMENT NOW RESPECT FOR ALL ANIMALS, CLAIMS against Mrs. Elisa PERRONE, for mistreatment and killing of animals pursuant to art. 544-ter of the Criminal Code ".
Now, while reasonably assuming that this accusation cannot be followed up, as hunters with a regular firearms license and hunting license are excluded from the crimes against the feeling for animals referred to in art. 544-ter of the CP by Law 20/07/2004, n. 189 which provides a series of hypotheses in which there is a presumption of social necessity, including hunting, Federcaccia Piemonte, as already happened for the hunters attacked in June 2016 during a cinifila competition at the "Lenta di Ghislarengo" wildlife farm, makes its lawyers available to Elisa Perrone, both for the possible defense from the complaint received and for possible complaints that Elisa Perrone intends to do against those "animal rights" who have insulted her on social networks with unrepeatable phrases.