Alfio Guarnieri of the National Free Hunting Association, on the question of the Leonessa reserve in the province of Rieti, attacks the former hunting councilor Marchioni.
In recent days, the former hunting councilor of the Province of Rieti, Giacomo Marchioni, had pronounced harshly on the alleged establishment of a new Hunting Reserve in Terzone in the Leonessa (RI) area.
In fact, commenting on the matter Marchioni had stated, “I have come to know of the resolution of the Provincial Administration that establishes a new Faunistic Hunting Company in the Leonessa area, it would appear in Terzone. I believe this choice is wrong because it further restricts free hunting, it insists on a territory with a high hunting and environmental value, the destination of many enthusiasts from Rieti and the neighboring municipalities ”.
Continuing, the former hunting commissioner added, “Hunting activity is becoming more and more a matter of a few rich people, as in the past, of lords and subjects. Fortunately, at least, there was the promptness of the manager of the sector who realized that this new company had been bounded for 1700 hectares in contradiction with the current regulation that allows newly-licensed wildlife farms a maximum perimeter of 800 hectares " . Finally, Marchioni concluded by stating, “Private-run hunting is discriminatory and is something for the rich and a business. This logic must be reversed. The territory belongs to everyone, not a few ”.
Alfio Guarnieri of the National Free Hunting Association criticizes Marchioni's statements, “Given that what is happening in Leonessa is grotesque, I am surprised by Giacomo Marchioni's angry reaction to the news of the closure of another free territory to hunting. Perhaps not everyone knows or pretends to know, that during the 5 years in which Giacomo Marchioni held the position of Councilor for Hunting, he authorized the concession of the wildlife farms of: Montopoli di Sabina (882 ha), Salisano (870 ha) , Casaprota (1025 ha) and Poggio Catino (850 ha), thus subtracting about 3700 ha from the free hunting of "normal" hunters in favor of the "rich" ones.
Continuing Guarnieri says, "Hearing him say today that:" privately run hunting is discriminatory and that the free territory belongs to everyone and not a few "leaves us ... speechless, I believe that by now the" shame meter "is definitively broken ..."
Explaining his point of view, Guarnieri adds, "Mr. Marchioni, before holding the office of hunting councilor, was part, in the previous legislature, of the provincial government which authorized numerous wildlife companies, and we do not know that he has ever opposed . The truth, unfortunately, is that in this province hunting is not managed as required by law but as a bargaining chip to recruit votes and today's results are…. absolutely bankruptcy, with the closure of an increasing number of territories to create parks and reserves where to accommodate relatives and friends ".
In conclusion Guarnieri criticizes, "The province where everyone knows and complains and no one does anything starting from the top, a province where 13% of the territory is occupied by wildlife companies in spite of the 8% required by law, the province that new settlement is promised that "enough reserves, there are already too many and malfunctioning"…. but then to authorize others (see Forano, now Leonessa and soon Belmonte and Monte San Giovanni) ....... always and only making the interest of a few to the detriment of all the others ... ... without mentioning the unfortunate management of the wild boar hunt which deserves a separate chapter… A new slogan comes to mind… ..Province of Rieti ……. make your own comforts WITH nature "…… dear hunters, it's time to wake up!"