It was held last Monday in Newfoundland Bracciolini the 407th edition of the bird fair, organized by the Terranuova Bracciolini Bird Fair committee, chaired by Mr. Menga Antonio together with the Pro Loco, and in collaboration with FATFO, member of the CCT. After the period of restrictions caused by the pandemic It was really a pleasure for the organizers, for the exhibitors, and also for the many visitors who flocked, to be able to take part in this renewed edition of the fair, the undisputed reference point of the many that, traditionally, take place in Tuscany.
The Confederation of Tuscan Hunters has always maintained that events like this represent a fundamental pivot of the history and roots of hunting in our territory; therefore we will continue also in the next few years a support such events in order not to lose and indeed strengthen the heritage they represent.
The day then ended with the award ceremony of the songbird competition held in the morning, where many competitors, flocked from all over Italy, competed with their best decoy specimens (Source: CCT).
Journalist. Born in Rome in 1982. Many passions, including that for the environment, the territory and rurality, developed thanks to holidays in the Umbria-Marche Apennines and the stories of local hunters. He dedicated part of his studies to agriculture and "green" economics.
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Caccia Passione Srl
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Chief Executive Officer Pierfilippo Meloni