A strange situation
We report what was signed by the Honorable Sergio Berlato, president of the Associazione Cultura Rurale (ACR), to the mayors of Municipalities of the Alto Vicenza area"In recent days we have received copies of some reports that were issued by some supervisory bodies against hunters from Vicenza while they were carrying out hunting activities in compliance with current regulations. From a careful examination of these minutes we have reason to believe that most of them are clearly unmotivated".
An information meeting to organize
The note continues: “We have made our legal offices available to help the recipients of these reports to present a reasoned and documented appeal to the territorially competent municipalities, as required by current regulations. Whilst respecting the roles and without wishing to interfere in any way with the decision-making autonomy of the mayors of the municipalities concerned, we believe it appropriate to hold an information meeting during which we will explain the reasons of the appellants and illustrate the documentation which demonstrates that these people, undeservedly recipients of these reports acted in full compliance with current regulations".
The details of the appointment
The letter ends like this: “To facilitate the participation of mayors or people delegated by them, we propose to organize this meeting in one of the municipalities in the upper Vicenza area, an area where the minutes of some supervisory bodies have been concentrated. Through our local contacts we will agree with your secretariats the place, date and time in which we can meet".