Hunting: Campania, the Tar says NO to the pre-opening of the hunting season, rejecting the 2012 regional resolution, thus accepting the appeal of the WWF.
The pre-opening of the Hunting in the Campania Region for the next Hunting Season definitively vanishes with the sentence of the Campania Tar which declares illegitimate the regional resolution of 17 July 2012 with which the opening of hunting was authorized as early as early September for the period 2012-2015. The judges of the Administrative Court have decided to accept the appeal presented by the environmental association WWF recognized the validity of the objections advanced against the provision approved by the regional council under the aegis of governor Caldoro. The resolution authorized Campania hunters to practice hunting, exclusively for some species such as the Tortora, already from the first days of September in the pre-opening regime of the Hunting Season. According to the judges, this practice differs from the contrary opinion provided by ISPRA, Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, without adequate reasons.
Furthermore, according to the TAR, the provision of the Region is in absolute contrast with the Habitat Directive of the European Community as it was approved in the absence of any Environmental Impact Assessment. Even the modification to the Hunting Calendar made already in September 2012.
I love woodcock hunting, hunting dogs and Nature. I'm very interested in hunting news. Editor at Caccia Passione I deal with the development of the Social and Media News areas.
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