The agreement represents an important agreement between two Associations committed to finding solutions that engage farmers and hunters in a sustainable relationship with the environment. There are many factors of common interest such as wildlife monitoring, respect for agronomic practices, the prevention of poaching, fires, with a view to reciprocity for the role of sentinels covered by both professional figures. "The signature of this protocol is particularly important - comments the provincial president of Coldiretti Vicenza, Martino Cerantola - as, effectively, the foundations are laid, even at the provincial level, for an activity that will certainly continue over time, for the protection of the territory and farms from wildlife and from large predators ".
In the program of actions envisaged, with a view to developing knowledge, training and public education, includes the development of initiatives of a sociological, historical, cultural, informative and legislative nature. Satisfied the president of the provincial section of Vicenza di Federcaccia, Emiliano Galvanetto, who, in a gesture of collaboration, handed over to president Cerantola the associative flag, concluding: “we intend to follow up, with Coldiretti Vicenza, the protocol already signed at the regional level. With this initiative we intend to seriously and effectively address the problem of harmful species, through concrete and decisive solutions ".