It started in the province of Brescia la wild boar selection hunting approved by Lombardy region. This year, for the first time, the containment activity will also be carried out in the ATC Unico of Brescia, limited to the appropriate area of the same, and in the area of Trompia Valley. The plan - explains the commissioner Rolfi - which obtained a favorable opinion from Ispra, provides for the killing of 60 animals in the Alpine hunting district 3 (Middle Valle Camonica), 50 animals in the district 4 (Lower Valle Camonica limited to its unsuitable area), 10 animals in district 6 (Valle Trompia which introduces selection hunting for the first time), 50 animals in district 7 (Valle Sabbia), 117 animals in district 8 (Alto Garda Bresciano) and 30 animals in the single territorial area of Brescia.
“The Lombardy Region is at the forefront of wildlife management. We stay taking advantage of all the possibilities granted from the national regulatory framework. We have updated the regional law, providing for the possibility to carry out selection hunting for wild boar throughout the year, even in the evening hours with night viewer, we have diversified the period related to the selection hunting for other ungulates, we have introduced the possibility of using the foraging technique, i.e. the placement of small quantities of food to attract the wild boar and quickly we have planned interventions province by province. We want to contain an animal that is devastating agriculture and that it represents a danger to human safety.
Now it is necessary to update the national law, which dates back to thirty years ago and which must be adapted to today's needs "declared the Councilor for Agriculture, Food and Green Systems of the Lombardy Region, Fabio Rolfi. “For years we have been asking for changes to recognize the role of selecontrollers and provide adequate tools for containment. Unfortunately, we only received commitments, promises and walkways from the minister at the farmers' demonstrations. Facts zero ". The sampling periods are diversified in the various hunting institutes, with some time derogations, also approved by ISPRA. For all authorized ski areas, the collection period started on 12 June, while for the ATC it started on 1 July.
According to the regional hunting calendar, the selection hunt can be practiced from one hour before dawn to one hour after sunset, the CAC3 and CAC4 have requested and obtained to postpone the closing at 24.00 hours, while the CAC7 requested and obtained the postponement of one hour for the closing, therefore 2 hours after sunset. “The selection hunt works in June 62 wild boars have already been killed in the province of Brescia with this activity, plus another 35 from the end of January through the audit. We must continue in this way, also through an alliance between the agricultural world and the hunting world ”concludes the commissioner.