As announced byTerritorial area of hunting Novara 2 Sesia, it was communicated that the Regional Council with DGR number 38-7970 del 30th November 2018 resolved to rectify the letter "e" of the point of attachment A to DGR number 1-6985 of 5 June 2018, due to mere clerical error, in addition to the subsequent changes and additions. It is about the approval of the hunting calendar as far as it concerns it 2018-2019 season in Piedmont and related supplementary operating instructions.
The text states the following: among the species that can be hunted from 23 September to 28 November there is the pheasant. Withdrawal is also permitted from 1st to 30rd December exclusively on the basis of the numerical withdrawal plans that have been prepared by the ATC management committees.
Finally, the Novara area wanted to recall the need for communicate the killing of pheasants to the office in charge: in this way it will be possible to adequately complete the established plan which provides for a total number of a thousand heads.