Il Italian Wood Pigeon Club issued the so-called scientific manifesto for the protection of traditional hunting of this species. Here is what can be read in the document: "The Columba palumbus species in Europe and Italy enjoys an excellent state of presence and reproduction and is increasing for breeding and migrating populations. The Italian, regional and territorial legislation (ATC) provides scientific bases to be followed for the regulations of annual and seasonal hunting activities, for which scientific references are valid. the indications of the European Union and ISPRA.
In recent years, different and various regional and territorial regulations have been implemented, with limitations on abatements and extensions, resubmissions, renewal of bans, bureaucratic obstacles of various kinds, overall not at all or poorly supported by real scientific bases documented by adequate bibliographic references. In particular, ISPRA was unable or unable to provide research data directly or indirectly produced. The inadequacy of scientific references of realistic census is evident and phenological study of the species in the various breeding, migrant and wintering conditions. The reference (ISPRA) to a Map produced in Hungary (based on ringings of a few dozen Colombacci), is insignificant and misleading, especially for the real identification of the areas of origin.
The Italian Club of Colobaccio has produced a considerable research effort properly scientific and para-scientific. Where this extensive documentation of multi-year scientific work is not taken into account - in the context of the Hunting Regulations issued by Regions, Provinces, ATCs, actions and responsibilities can be identified that can be referred to unlawful situations or anything else (omissions) for strictly related aspects juridical notes regarding specific Institutions and Managers, also regarding destinations of economic funds. The above is proposed as the basis of a "Scientific Cartel" for the protection of traditional wood pigeon hunting on which the hunting associations present in Italy can converge ".