Wednesday January 12 2022, in compliance with the anticovid rules, the training course for the voluntary hunting special sworn guards in compliance with art. 28 LR 26/2012, authorized by decree from Campania region: The hunting, agricultural and environmental associations organize, at their expense, at least every ten years, refresher courses, approved by the competent regional structure for its members.
“It is important and fundamental to carry out periodic training and updating in legislative matters for the activity and services of the Hunting Guards, the laws change and it is necessary to update ourselves, I thank the Mayor Ing. Raphael Coppola and the entire Municipal Administration for the availability of the premises ”declared the provincial president of the Provincial federation of Naples Michael Parisi.
Candidates complimented the lecturers for the precious professionalism made available to them, many topics were dealt with and shared unanimously, and gave the new national head of the Hunting Guards Emilio Galano availability for a new meeting in the spring and for the coordination of hunting surveillance on the Campania and National perimeter (source: Arci Caccia).