As disclosed by Federcaccia Lombardy, Minister Costa canceled the resolution of the Lombardy Region relating to the capture of live decoys. This is a completely useless act, since the resolution was already suspended from Lombardy Regional Administrative Court. But the Minister's intent is clear: to prevent the Court from entering into the merits of the legitimacy or otherwise of the resolution in 2020, also explaining the any mistakes made by the Region, if there are.
In fact, the Region has followed the discipline dictated by national law and the European Directive to grant an exception to the use of networks, a non-selective means in general but usable in the context of legitimate derogation from the directive, as required by the European Community and as implemented also in other Member States.
In the end, the statements of the Minister, followed on wheels by two regional councilors, are mere propaganda, to the point of declaring "Having prohibited the use of warnings": nothing more false! Hunters can safely use their calls and purchase new ones. The Minister did not cancel the use of live decoys, but he did worse: to avoid the capture of few specimens of huntable species, has canceled centuries of rural history of the Lombard lands, of which the roccoli, true monuments of architectural and botanical art, are the undisputed symbol.