In the wake of the previous sentence of 6 June 2013 of the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court (no. 2397/12 Reg. Ric.), The recent ordinance of 20 November 2013 (no. 2112/13 Reg. Ric.) With reference to the resolution of the Regional Council of Lombardy n. X / 620 of 6 September 2013 for the authorization to the Provinces to carry out the catches for the supply of live decoys to the sheds, as part of the program agreed with the European institutions of the EU Environment Commission. "Given that the Board considers that the appropriate reasons for the legitimacy of the contested provision, contained in the presidential decree of 26 September 2013, are fully shared, the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court confirms that the number of plants that can be authorized, albeit legitimately decreased, is correct, with reference to the achievement of the maximum threshold prescribed for each of them; the program also appears correct in the agreed time and that the reproduction of live calls is accredited by the Region as insufficient for some species and not yet susceptible to breeding for others; perfectly in line, therefore, with the opinion of ISPRA is this decision and the use of the networks was also approved by the European Commission, on the basis of "rigorous controls", as well as the establishment of a detailed bank data on decoy birds (capture and breeding). The resolution is, therefore, perfectly in line with the recent provisions, not requiring the need for further examination in this precautionary session. "
Thus argued the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court, definitively rejecting yet another annual appeal by the usual association. Now it is up to the hunting world and to the interested parties themselves to carry out correctly and in compliance with the provisions issued this important support to the activity of the sheds and this hunting tradition, respectful and accepted by Europe, according to the guidelines of sustainable hunting of the European Charter of Hunting and Biodiversity of the Council of Europe.
(November 26, 2013)
ANUU Migrators