The responses of the regional councilor of the Campania to Agriculture, Nicholas Caputo, to the criticisms raised by hunting associations regarding the timetable for the 2022-2023 season. Through a long post on Facebook, the commissioner tried to reconstruct what happened.
Here are his words: "Animated the comparison with the hunting office led by Dr. Flora Della Valle with the officials Ciro Palomba and Nicola De Laurentiis based on overcoming the situations of bureaucratic impasse recorded in the sector and to favor a better and more direct connection between the strategic and administrative action. The occasion also allowed us to analyze with rational objectivity the recent statements coming from some exponents of the hunting world following the Giunta's adoption of the hunting calendar for the 22/23 season. In this regard, I would like to share clearly and with the language of truth that I usually use, the complex, and apparently little understood, procedural process that led to the approval of the much contested document in #Giunta session. In the next few hours I will clarify the situation, I just want to represent that following the sharing of the calendar proposal with the associations, a sentence of the Sicily TAR intervened which highlighted some possible fragility of our plan and the collegial body (the Giunta) intended to keep them account to avoid possible appeals that would have blocked the hunting activity for several weeks if a possible appeal had been accepted. Drought, climate change and lack of scientific studies (wildlife plans) lead us to be cautious. The appeal I address to the hunting world is to consider that the PA has the obligation to avoid possible appeals which, in this specific case, would block the calendar, as happened in other regions. The question arises: but does it seem normal to you to assume that someone can rage against you? These are choices dictated by common sense and by the responsibility that the good administration of public affairs imposes".
Mr Caputo he added: "After the fruitful session of the Wildlife Hunting Technical Committee and the commissioning of the draft calendar at that location, which was fired with the agreement of the parties, a series of concomitant events took place that conditioned the sic et sempliciter approval of the proposed text. In fact, in addition to the drought and fires that have caused a strong environmental and fauna risk, a precautionary order was issued by the TAR Sicily on the illegitimacy of the Sicilian Hunting Calendar for violation of national and community regulations on the protection of fauna and for failure to comply with the scientific opinion of the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA). According to the TAR, therefore, the Administration, should it have decided to depart from the opinion, would have had to proceed with a motivational increase in particular. The Region of Sicily, on the other hand, has used other documents - provided by the hunting associations - to contrast ISPRA's assessments and to extend the periods and species that can be hunted; the TAR criticized this choice to “make use of opinions rendered by bodies not accredited by ISPRA itself, the only subject with scientific expertise to which the law assigns a primary role in the matter in question. The council felt the duty to review the proposal, driven by the protection of the superior environmental good in part dictated by the need to protect huntable species already threatened by severe drought and fires, balancing this need with the interests of hunters. With this calendar, hunters from Campania, despite criticism, will be able to pursue hunting activities as required by the approved resolution, while Sicilian hunters will be forced to wait until the end of November, the date set for the discussion of the dispute on the merits, in order to enjoy their passion. An indispensable sacrifice to protect the interests of all parties involved".