La Regional Council of Veneto approved, on the proposal of the councilor for hunting, the hunting calendar 2018-2019. The season will open on 16 September 2018 and will close on 31 January 2019. The calendar also indicates specific periods depending on the species that can be hunted. The calendar includes a few pre-opening days (1, 2, 3, 9 and 10 September) for the species blackbird, jay, magpie, hooded crow and hooded crow. The pre-opening for hunting the turtledove species is limited to only two days, 1 and 2 September. For stalking a jay, magpie, black crow and hooded crow In addition, some days of postponement are foreseen (2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 10 February 2019).
Compared to the past season, the only significant changes concern the timing of the sampling of the species brunette and fighter (both species in an unfavorable state of conservation) whose collection will not be allowed before 1 October and will have an early closure date: the duck hunt will end on 20 January, while for the fighter, like the previous season, the deadline will be October 31st. The provision contains, as every year, a specific quantitative limit of the game boxes, specific rules for agri-tourism-hunting companies, rules for training and the training of hunting dogs, restrictions in special protection areas (SPAs).
In particular, for larks, the 2018-2019 hunting calendar provides that the maximum daily and seasonal game bag per hunter is respectively equal to 10 and 50 heads, in implementation of the national management plan for this species. The hunting of ungulates (fallow deer, alpine chamois, roe deer, red deer, mouflon) is authorized and regulated by the Provinces whose territory falls in whole or in part in the Wildlife area of the Alps, as foreseen by the Regional Council of last March 6 (Dgr n. 235/2018).