Hunting: Naples, conference on "Boar Management" that took place last May 21 in Gragnano.
Protected areas, ATC, hunting world and "constructive environmentalism" together, positive energy for the enhancement of the territories of Campania. This is the strong and clear message that came from the Conference held in Gragnano on May 21st, on the “Management of the Wild Boar”. A day of particular significance for the environment and the Campania wildlife heritage and so useful also to qualify the hunting world by proposing it in a leading role to get out of the "crisis". The appointment held in Gragnano, to "materialize" a productive faustic management, wanted by the President of the ATC of Naples Dr. Sergio Sorrentino, in collaboration with the University of Naples Federico II (Giuseppe Iovane, Adriano Santoro, Luigi Esposito), of Pisa (Claudia Russo), della Tuscia (Andrea Amici) and the Collection and Monitoring Center of the ATC in Naples, has made the resolutions it had set. For the results and the quality of the proposals we can say it went beyond expectations and the real novelty was the articulation of the representation of "stakeholders" which allowed to break down the "ideological barriers" of an old and anachronistic discussion that , prejudicial, did not recognize the role of hunting wildlife management.
The testimonies also came from those who took part in the study day: the Presidents of the "Monti Lattari" Regional Natural Parks of Campania (Giuseppe Guida), of the "Sarno River Basin" (Massimiliano Mercede) and the Director of the Regional Natural Park of the "Serre" (Francesco Maria Pititto). The works of the Seminar dedicated to "Wild Boar Management: scourge of agriculture-resource of the territories", were carried out in harmony with what was already requested since 1992 in the Convention on Biological Diversity, thanks to the comparison that had taken place between farmers, hunters, environmentalists and the scientific world, already then aimed at the conservation of the Planet.
The generally uncontrolled diffusion of wild boars is a deeply felt problem in Italy and concerns the entire agro-forestry-pastoral territory: both that subject to the management of protected areas, and that governed by the regulations for scheduled hunting. Damage to crops and the environment, the dangers of road accidents are in fact found both inside and outside the protected areas, they have no borders. Furthermore, ungulates can be reservoirs of pathologies that can be transmitted to humans and domestic and wild fauna.
However, wild suidae can be considered a relevant and alternative economic resource. Their meat, in fact, after an accurate hygienic-sanitary control, can represent an important source of noble proteins to be included in the itineraries of environmental tourism. The day ended with the interventions of the Regional Commander of the State Forestry Corps (Vincenzo Stabile) and the Director of the UOD Fishing, Hunting and Agriculture (Antonio Carotenuto). Their interventions indicated the correct way to transform the "problem" into a "resource" of the regional community.
And resources, today more than ever, need the community. The resulting proposal was very clear - commented Dr. Sergio Sorrentino, President of the ATC of Naples - "it is necessary that the correct management of wild boar is included in a" short "supply chain that involves all the technical, control and social for processing. In this way we will be able to have quality products from these meats to represent the best "Campania" to be offered to the "taste" of the citizens of the world, without borders.
From the discussion that involved the plural and heterogeneous audience - continues Dr. Sorrentino - it also emerged the need to establish selection hunter courses, trained and recognized in accordance with the law, and "health training" courses aimed at hunters and to supply chain operators in order to obtain products and services guaranteed by that necessary quality mark, as a guarantee for Italian consumers and beyond.
Naples, 23 May 2014
Territorial area of Naples hunting