THELombard Hunters Association once again he wanted to use the greatest possible frankness to launch and formulate a very specific request. The orientation of the Region has been known for some time and not much is expected from opinion of the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) on the derogations, therefore a formal question was put to the local authority. There Lombardy region it should let people know if it has the real political will to access hunting in derogation, overcoming the "obstacle" of ISPRA itself.
Indeed, this opinion is mandatory but still non-binding. ACL expects the policy to end the barrel discharge, which, as underlined by the hunting association, is convenient for everyone, except for Lombard hunters. So ACL wants to know if it exists or not the political will to make a resolution, no longer in words but also in deeds.
Lombard hunters are anxiously awaiting a concrete signal and not motivations in the style of "I would like, I would have liked, but I cannot". The association tried to guess the thoughts of migrants, assuming a resolution regardless of the opinions of ISPRA.