THELombard Hunters Association intervened to take stock of a term that is used more and more frequently, perhaps even too often. This is the word "biodiversity" which, again according to ACL, is cited countless times, but also written and used, as well as often abused. The purpose of the release it is not to somehow demonize the word, more than anything else to censor the abuse that has just been referred to.
In fact, biodiversity has turned into a sort of "parsley", present everywhere, but whose quantity cannot be excessive. As pointed out by the Lombard Hunters, "Since it has a meaning, let's not fill our mouths and above all let's not put it everywhere". In the name of biodiversity, proposals, projects and campaigns of all kinds are put forward, but often they hide initiatives against hunting, while it is precisely the hunting activity to protect it.
This term is read in the official documents and you understand almost immediately what the intentions are. As a result, ACL asked to "exorcise" him and lead him into the right tracks. In particular, the association has just examined a document from the Ministry of the Environment concerning the tackling offenses with regard to wild birds: biodiversity is the key word, but the text will be discussed in more detail in an upcoming editorial.