The days chosen are on 18, 25 and 30 May next, while the location will always be the same, namely the "Baia Domizia Sud" Dog Training Area by Cellole. What is the program designed for children and teenagers? Students will be distributed by class and guided by teachers. The organizers will present different types of educational simulations completely free of charge. Eg, some fauna species and their natural habitats will be presented and illustrated.
In addition, there will be dog shows of dogs of various breeds, prepared and trained by experts. The declared objective is to bring young people closer to, without any kind of economic interest a world that is little known, so as to make them feel emotions out of habits and stimulating love for dog lovers and ornithology. During the event, pupils and teachers will have the opportunity to taste the gastronomic products offered by the organization: all participants will be given a souvenir gadget of the day spent outdoors.