From the words of Dr. Michael Sorrenti of the Faunistic and Agro-Environmental Studies and Research Office the latest news on the revision process of Key concepts, or the document that sets the periods of reproduction and pre-nuptial migration contained in the guide for the application ofArticle 7 of the Birds Directive on the basis of which the opening and closing dates of the sampling of migratory species are established in the EU Member States. The meeting took place last 15th November and there are two substantial innovations.
The first consists in the conclusion of the document which will take place in a few months, therefore before what was imagined and budgeted. The second novelty is even more interesting. In the same text a declaration of provisional nature and partial imperfection will be inserted: in practice, the discrepancy between the dates proposed by the different states (Italy first and foremost) has not been resolved.
Furthermore, as Sorrenti pointed out, the Ministry of the Environment has not shown any willingness to change its views on the matter. Technical insights will be needed during 2020, but there is already an awareness that the Key Conceps document will be weaker than expected.