To offer a hand to the provincial policemen from the Pirellone they are evaluating the possibility of recruit hunters as well. They are selective killing for the containment of the species, since, according to some experts, the birds are decimating our local fish, especially bleak, roach and agonis. “We still have until mid-March for get to last year's numbers, which settle on the hundreds of specimens shot down - explains the commander of the Lecco provincial police Raffaella Forni -.
Compared to the past, however, it seems to me that in our territory the cormorants have significantly decreased, perhaps because they have moved elsewhere thanks also to the dissuasion actions we have put in place. Personally I am satisfied with the work done by my agents of the Fish and hunting nucleus, in 7 units they killed half of the cormorants killed throughout the Region, in a period in which we also had to deal with the hunting season, the activity anti-poaching and all other ordinary daily tasks "(The day).
Of course, with the rules in force by national law and those for the containment of cormorants, I want to see how they will manage to contain this species as between Parco Adda, Parco Valle del Lambro and distances to keep, prohibition of firing on perches, prohibition of use of the boat, etc., it makes me smile at such requests, how many hunters will be willing to risk their own license?