This is the hot comment released by the lawyer Alfonso Pope, regional coordinator of the legal structure of the Confederation of Tuscan Hunters and president of the Federcaccia Provincial Section of Pisa. "With the circular of January 31, 2022 - Pope affirms - the Ministry of the Interior clearly recognized the possibility of issuing the hunting license even for shorter periods of time than five years required by law. This is a principle that the Council of State in its ruling last November had already affirmed in a granitic way and with a very persuasive and acceptable legal motivation.
Nonetheless, the Police headquarters throughout Italy - precisely in the absence of the aforementioned Circular and an update of the secondary regulations and having ample discretion on this point, they exercised the administrative action regarding the issue of hunting licenses in a manner that was anything but compliant, even if only for the different evaluation criteria adopted by the Officials of the individual Police Headquarters. Our Association, also thanks to the timely intervention of the National Federcaccia and President Buconi, has not lost heart and has raised this problem in several contexts and today, finally, we learn - with pleasure and a pinch of pride - that the Interior Ministry shared the decision taken by Judges of the Council of State and, therefore, it intends to standardize the legislation at a central level to avoid an erroneous and "patchy" application of the relevant provisions, as has happened up to now.
This will therefore allow the renewal of the hunting licenses also to those who have obtained and will obtain in the near future, for reasons of age or health problems, a medical certification limited in time and in any case less than the canonical five years. It is an excellent goal - not at all obvious - e great reason for satisfaction for those who like us, also through the numerous meetings and initiatives carried out in the area, with constant commitment and despite the complexity of the problem, wanted to bring to the attention of the competent authorities of Public security the reasons - legitimate and well-founded - of the hunting and skeet shooting world ".