A completely “pink” podium: the photo contest promoted by Facebook group "Ungulates in the world for passion" saw three girls triumph, an undoubtedly interesting result and which confirms that the female component of hunting enthusiasts it is fed and growing. The contest in question was held to vote for the best photos of killing of ungulates in the last hunting season. Whoever intended to participate simply had to send your own shot, published by the group managers (born four years ago from an idea of Remo Clock, member of the Italian Federation of Hunting) and then submitted to the judgment of other users. Hundreds of photographs were submitted and the best was that of Greta Vensi, capable of totaling 318 "likes".
The second place was instead conquered by Sarah Chiarlone (241 “Like”), followed by Deborah Viola Verdelli (220 “I like it”). The winner is 20 years old and studies and lives in Valle d'Aosta, a region that has been talked about a lot in recent days due to some hunting controversies. As stated by the young woman, the hunting license exam was taken almost a year ago, in June 2015, consequently the last season was the first ever for her. The 20-year-old also told of going hunting with her mother and sometimes with her grandfather in reserve for pheasants, along with a breton and a setter.
The "silver medal" Sara Chiarlone is 33 years old and has been hunting since she was 25: she is a member of Savona section of the Federcaccia and has a degree in Natural Science. The Ligurian province is its hunting territory, in which there are mainly roe deer: stressed to go hunting with the pointing dog and not to practice wild boar for two seasons having become pregnant.
The third classified is 31 years old and lives in the province of Arezzo: boasts eleven years of hunting practice, in particular the selection hunting of fallow deer and roe deer with bow and rifle, and has confessed that the passion was inherited from his father and grandfather, who are also hunters. On June 4th there will be the awarding of the three winners, specifically in Cascina Legra (Pavia), on the occasion of the third convention of the Facebook group. Federcaccia herself expressed her congratulations to the hunters, with a strong good luck for their future: it is safe to bet that the photo contest will be equally successful next year.